Human contributions
Millions of people live on planet Earth. But how do our actions impact the environment surrounding us? How badly have we hurt Mother Earth?
To read more in depth about human contributions:
Foresting Practices
deforestation removes trees thus lessening the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered by plants and trees. ​
release methane ​
Heavy urbanization
as cities grow so does the practices such as transportation and housing. All of these produce carbon dioxide and other detrimental gases ​
67% of fossil fuel emissions result from the production of our phones, tablets, lights, etc. ​
Burning Fossil Fuels
About 9.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels ​
Just about everyone has at least one motor vehicle. These vehicles release toxins into the air through the exhaust. ​
Shopping Habits
What you buy in stores also matters. Certain agricultural practices such as those that involve heavy tillage deplete the soils quality and ability to retain resources. Heavy pesticides also poison the Earth. ​